
What is the difference between hydrocodone and dihydrocodeine

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what is the difference between.

Yahoo! Answers - What is the difference.

07.12.2008 · Best Answer: You may find the link below helpful There are several differences between the two drugs NARCOTIC ANALGESIC / ASPIRIN / CAFFEINE - ORAL
4 Answers (question resolved) - Posted in: pain, acetaminophen, hydrocodone, oxycodone - Answer: To the best of my knowledege, Oxycodone is the same
What is the difference between.
What is the difference between.

What is the difference between.

What is the difference between strengths.
1 Answer - Posted in: vicodin, hydrocodone - Answer: Hi Gloria!! They are both same thing as much as hydrocodone is considered
30.01.2010 · Best Answer: the difference is that Dihydrocodeine is around 3-4 times more powerful ! Surely your chemist would know this look it up on wikipedia. EDIT
05.08.2008 · Best Answer: The overall difference of the 2 vicodins is only the amount of acetaminaphen, which is just tylenol. They both have the same amount of the

  • What is the difference between.

Hydrocodone and codeine are NOT the same chemical compound; they're two different drugs. Codeine is the 3-methylether of morphine. It's almost inactive on it's own

What is the difference between.

Difference Between College And University
What is the difference between codeine.
08.09.2007 · Best Answer: Different dosages, different ingredients. One of these, the 357, is 5mg hydrocodone with 500 mg. of acetaminophen. I think the other one is 7
HYDROCODONE V.S. OXYCODONE These two drugs are similar, but NOT the same. Hydrocodone is the generic name for Vicodin, Norco, Lortab and about 30 others. It is a
Askville Question: what is the difference between hydrocodone apap vs hydrocodone acetaminophen : Conditions & Diseases
What is the difference between vicodin 5.

What is the difference between hydrocodone and dihydrocodeine


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